Intolerance to Gluten, Continued

Symptoms of an intolerance to gluten can be wide ranging and affect organs and systems throughout the body. Do you have these gluten intolerance symptoms? This personal experience is meant to help you examine your own medical symptoms to see if this is a likely underlying cause. You don't have to have celiac disease to be gluten intolerant.

Infertility and Miscarriage

An intolerance to gluten can disrupt the hormones of the body so that ovulation is not regular, or fails to occur at all. This can cause missed periods, irregular periods, painful periods like with endometriosis, and even miscarriage. It is related to an imbalance of hormones. It can be the underlying cause of late puberty, infertility, and miscarriage.

The female hormone symphony that usually takes place on a monthly basis is actually very complex. It requires the interplay of many hormones, all at certain ratios to each other to be released in the correct amounts at the right time each month. With nutritional deficiencies, improper hormone levels from digestive issues causing a lack of proper hormone production, and inflammation caused by the immune response to gluten, it is not surprising that this symphony is often disrupted.

Our family has had experience with endometriosis, miscarriage, delayed puberty, and infertility.

This article on the Getting Pregnant Now site has some good information:

Gluten and Infertility Problems

Teeth and Bones

If you have read other pages on this website, you probably already know that my husband has osteoporosis. He was diagnosed with it at the age of 45. This is considered unusual in a man. We found out after he broke his ankle while walking on the sidewalk in front of the house. He didn't trip or fall. But he heard the bone snap.

The doctor didn't believe that it had no cause to break. We had to insist on a bone density test. The doctor was utterly shocked to find out he had advanced osteoporosis.

His calcium levels dropped to the point that his parathyroid gland began pulling the calcium from his bones to keep enough in the bloodstream for heart and muscle function. He is on Vitamin D treatment now, and they are trying to determine the proper dosage level.

My bone density test was normal as of 4 years ago. I seem to lose all the calcium from my teeth rather than my bones. (Maybe because I'm overweight.)I've had trouble with my teeth my whole life. Even at 5 years old I always had lots of cavities. I had spots on my teeth where the enamel was defective too.

As I've gotten older, my teeth have gotten weaker and weaker.

If you have the same problem, use a soft toothbrush, don't let them use abrasive treatments for whitening or cleaning, and try to take calcium and magnesium supplements. You should have your Vitamin D checked too, or take a daily supplement to make sure you have some.

I don't know of any way to replace the enamel, but the hardness and strength of the teeth can be helped with mineral supplements. Provided you have adequate vitamin D, which seems to be below normal with most of us.

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